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Graduate Dissertation Progresss

For full information on the Provost's Policies for Dissertation Progress, see:

In years 4, 5, and 6, Ph.D. students research and write their dissertations under the supervision of their dissertation committees.  

Each summer, dissertating students are required to submit a Dissertation Progress Report, a brief summary of what they have accomplished in the preceding year and their plans for the upcoming year. This report is reviewed and approved by the student’s dissertation supervisor, the Graduate Chair, and the Graduate Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, and serves as an annual review of the student’s progress.

Dissertating students are required to meet with their dissertation advisor a minimum of once per semester to discuss their progress and any challenges or roadblocks they are facing. The advisor and the student should agree to deadlines for the submission of work and for the sharing of drafts with the full committee. Dissertating students are required to meet with their full committee at least once per year to discuss their progress and plans for the next year.

In their fourth year, students must present a draft of a dissertation chapter to one of the Departmental Working Groups. Students may propose alternative on-campus settings for the fourth-year WIP (e.g. the GSWS graduate colloquium) to the GEC for approval. All requests must be made by February 1st. 

In their fifth year, students must present a twenty-minute conference-style version of another dissertation chapter in the annual departmental symposium, to take place in late spring.

Continuous registration as a graduate student is required unless a formal leave of absence is granted. Graduate students considering taking a leave of absence should consult the University's most current Leave of Absence Policy for guidelines and procedures.